Your Second Visit

Your second visit is what we call your report of findings and is in two parts. To begin is our Pre-Care appointment, in which we will explain where we fit into the health care system and what you can expect. The second half is your personalised report of findings in which we explain what we found, how we may be able to help you and a plan to achieve your outcomes. Of course, any questions or concerns that you have will be answered. If all is in order, we will begin care at this point.

Following this visit, you can organise your specific schedule for your initial phase of care with the chiropractic assistant at reception. Allow 30 minutes for your second visit.

Regular ongoing visits will be much shorter – but are just as, if not more important! Each visit builds on the ones before, improving the function of your spine and nervous system.

Book Online Web Offer

Are you new to BARHAM Chiropractic?

BOOK ONLINE for your stages of care for only $85*

(Usually $115 exclusive to NEW CLIENTS ONLY)

Your first appointment includes:
  • First visit with thorough history and examination
  • Full spinal and postural examination
  • X-rays if required
Call us today (07) 5593 6011